Network Vienna 1900 focuses on Klimt's family environment, the master's colleagues, his clients and his most important contemporaries. It also documents the places where Klimt worked, which are seen as the cradle of "Vienna 1900". Space is also given here to the places in Austria and abroad that inspired Klimt.

Fam­ily and En­vir­on­ment

After the death of his father and his brother Ernst in 1892, Gustav Klimt took over the role as head of the ten-person Klimt family, and was now responsible for his mother and four siblings. Klimt had an intimate connection with the Flöge and Zimpel families, who were related by marriage, and also maintained friendships with several other families who summered on the Attersee. While Klimt never married, he had children with three different women: Maria Ucicka, Maria Zimmermann and Consuela Huber.
12 Families

70th birthday of Anna Klimt with her family, 01/27/1906, ARGE Sammlung Gustav Klimt, Dauerleihgabe im Leopold Museum, Wien
© Leopold Museum, Vienna

The Klimt Family

The Flöge Family

The Zimpel Family

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The Donner Family

The Ucicka Family

The Zimmermanns

The Huber Family

The Paulick Family

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The Bacher Family

The Sodoma Family

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The Brauner Family

Available soon

The Rhomberg Family