Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel

Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, in: Radio-Wien, 14. Jg., Heft 6 (1937).
© Klimt Foundation, Vienna

Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel was a painter of animals and landscapes as well as a graphic artist. He collaborated with the Wiener Werkstätte and Gustav Klimt for the interior decoration of Stoclet Palace in Brussels. He was friends with the writer Arthur Roessler and the painter Egon Schiele.

The graphic artist and painter was born in Upper Franconia in Germany in 1881. Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel attended the School of Arts and Crafts in Munich and moved to Vienna after a brief study trip to Italy. He began studying at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, but soon discontinued his education. He later attended the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts of the Imperial-Royal Austrian Museum of Art and Industry (now MAK – Museum of Applied Art, Vienna), where he was taught by Alfred Roller for one semester and prepared for his versatile use of various printing techniques in his later oeuvre. Jungnickel went on to study in Munich for a brief period before returning to Vienna and resuming his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Wiener Werkstätte and Stoclet Palace
Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, who had already been active as an independent artist during his studies, began working for the Wiener Werkstätte after the turn of the century. During that period he for instance created a decorative frieze with a height of more than one meter, showing animals and flowers – commissioned by Josef Hoffmann for a children’s bedroom in Stoclet Palace in Brussels – as well as his award-winning series of colored woodcuts Types of Animals at Schönbrunn. He also participated in the “Kunstschau Wien” in 1908, whose initiators included Gustav Klimt, and in the “Esposizione Internazionale di Roma” [“International Art Exhibition of Rome”] in 1911, where he won an artists’ award.


Animal Frieze in a Children’s Bedroom at Stoclet Palace

  • Children's room in Palais Stoclet with a frieze by Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, in: Moderne Bauformen. Monatshefte für Architektur und Raumkunst, 13. Jg. (1914).
    © Heidelberg University Library
  • Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel: Frieze for the children's room in Palais Stoclet, in: Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, Band 32 (1913).
    © Heidelberg University Library

Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel: Panther head, in: Die Graphischen Künste, 39. Jg., Heft 1 (1916).
© Heidelberg University Library

Roessler, Schiele and Klimt
Jungnickel left his adopted country for a teaching post at the Frankfurt School of Arts and Crafts in 1911. He abandoned his career as a teacher in the following year, however, and settled down in Vienna. Jungnickel’s close friends in Vienna included the writer Arthur Roessler and the painter Egon Schiele, at whose studio at Grünbergstraße 31 in Vienna’s 12th District Jungnickel would later live. In May 1914, Roessler, Jungnickel and some of their friends visited Thallern in Lower Austria, from where they sent a picture postcard to their fellow artist Gustav Klimt.

The Artist’s Exile and Return to His Adopted Country
Jungnickel, who went on many study trips in the Interwar Years and continued to enjoy major success as a graphic artist, emigrated to Istria after the “Anschluss” of Austria. He lived in exile on the Adriatic coast until he eventually returned to Austria in 1952. He died in Vienna in 1965.

Literature and sources

  • Berta Zuckerkandl: Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel – Frankfurt, in: Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, Band 32 (1913), S. 351-361.
  • Felix Czeike (Hg.): Historisches Lexikon Wien, Band 3, Vienna 1994, S. 401.
  • Hans Volllmer (Hg.): Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Begründet von Ulrich Thieme und Felix Becker, Band XIX, Leipzig 1926, S. 330.
  • Walter de Gruyter (Hg.): Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon. Die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker, Band LXXVIII, Berlin 2013, S. 516.
  • Deutsches Volksblatt, 03.12.1911, S. 10.
  • Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hg.): Neue Deutsche Biografie, Band 10, Berlin 1974, S. 689-690.
  • Peter Baum: Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel. Zum Gedenken – Rückblick auf Leben und Schaffen des im Vorjahr verstorbenen Künstlers, in: Alte und moderne Kunst. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst, Kunsthandwerk und Wohnkultur, 11. Jg., Heft 84 (1966), S. 44-45.
  • Neues Wiener Journal, 21.10.1918, S. 4.
  • Max Eisler: Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, in: Dekorative Kunst. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für angewandte Kunst, Band 24 (1916), S. 331-335.
  • Amelia Sarah Levetus: The lithographs of Ludwig Jungnickel, in: Studio. International art, Band 90 (1925), S. 228-232.